Get involved
The Intervention Development and Forecasting Collaboration is a crowd-sourced project, involving multiple researchers in a single study, to accelerate progress and enhance the evidence-base for interventions targeting behaviours that reduce the spread of AMR.
You can participate in the project at two stages. First, the Intervention Development stage involves participating in a workshop and submitting an experimental treatment for the study. Second, the Forecasting stage involves making predictions about the effects of the experimental treatments on the outcome variable. If you participate in Intervention Development, you will also be required to submit forecasts of treatment effects.
If you participate in both the Intervention Development and Forecasting stages, your name will appear in the author string. Authorship order is determined according to the CREDIT system. For similar contributions, authorship order will appear alphabetically.
If you participate only in forecasting, your will receive consortium credit. “AMR Intervention Development and Forecasting Collaboration” will appear in the author string with your name and institution in an appendix. This follows recent practice, as you can see here: Example 1, Example 2.
We can involve a limited number of participants in Intervention Development, but we have no limit on participation in Forecasting.